The 1st annual USA Goju-Ryu Seiwa Kai Instructors' Seminar was held at the USA Hombu Dojo in Santa Monica, CA, May 18 - 20, 2012.
Vassie Naidoo, Shihan (Santa Monica, CA) was the Head Instructor. Desmond Tuck, Shihan (Palo Alto, CA) and James Pounds, Shihan (Austin, TX) were the assistant instructors. Twenty-nine instructors and assistant instructors from the US and Mexico attended. Since the USA Seiwa Kai has recently added new dojos in CA, OH, MI, and NY, it was an opportune time to get everyone together in order to promote quality of instruction.
In addition, the new Board of Directors for the USA Goju-Ryu Seiwa Kai was appointed. The Board consists of Vassie Naidoo, President; Desmond Tuck, Vice-President; James Pounds, Secretary; Brian Burdick, Treasurer; and Board Members Johnpaul Williams, Joe Palminteri, Mark Cramer, Dan Taylor, and Kevin Moske. All Board members are Head Instructors.