USA Goju-Ryu Karate-do Seiwakai
3rd Annual Instructors' Training Seminar
Monica, CA, USA
Friday-Sunday, April 4 - 6, 2014
Open to all Seiwakai Instructors,
Assistant Instructors, and Instructors in Training
Three days of training in sunny Santa
Monica, California with Shihan Vassie Naidoo and senior instructors with an
emphasis on teaching methodology of the Seiwakai system of Goju-Ryu Karate-do.
Your Instructors will come away with
tips and insight on proper kata performance, kata bunkai,
the Tasaki style of kumite, dojo customs
and etiquette, and understanding of Budo.
Yudansha planning to grade in Japan or
at the November USA Seminar are requested to attend in order to preview their
readiness to grade and receive valuable feedback to ensure success.
Special room rates are available at the Travelodge Santa Monica
3102 Pico
Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405 (800)
Group Name:
KICK Cutoff Date: March 20